This article assumes the reader has good knowledge of vibration monitoring and some basic understanding of averaging.
Vibration analysis involves interpreting vibration signals which may emanate from multiple sources. Due to the fact that virtually all rotating machines have several bearings, a shaft, a gearbox or some gearing arrangement (such as, chains, belts, etc.), all supported and linked by the frame on which they are mounted, determining the source(s) of the main vibration signal can be a difficult and complex task.
Efforts may be further complicated when the dynamic forces causing the vibration excite other machine parts to vibrate empathically. Therefore, to aid in identifying the vibration source(s), different measurement techniques are used to form a set of discriminating results. Common techniques are; acceleration vs. velocity, filters, and acceleration enveloping. Synchronous Time Averaging is another technique that can be used to help identify the vibration source, as explained in this application note.
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