Add BNC/MIL (CMAC 9100) cable to standard delivery package Microlog dBX
Do we have in consideration to add BNC/MIL (CMAC9100) cable to standard delivery package Microlog dBX.
To execute 2 plane balancing job needs channel 1 and 2 and this is possible only using BNC connectors. Split cable is configured to channel 1 and 4 and Balancing module has not possibility to free configure what channels you use. They always are 1 and 2.
Other option is to give freedom to configure channels in Balancing Module.
Thank you for your request, the SKF Microlog Analyzer dBX design allows for flexible cable configurations.
The CMAC 9100 Accelerometer BNC cable allows user to connect sensors such as the CMSS 2200 to each (CH1,2,3,4) Microlog dBX BNC connectors.
Also, for one or two channel balancing jobs. The (ALL CH) Fischer connector can be used. CMAC 9020 splitter cable splits CH1 and CH2.
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