Reports - Summary View - Request to include page name
5 votes 0 comments
User friendly interface for browser version of GoPlant
4 votes 0 comments
Changing the Operator Round Asset Form Header
0 votes 0 comments
Add year to date parameter to all reports
2 votes 0 comments
Be able to view which Rounds and Tasks an Asset is assigned
3 votes 1 comment
Delete Completed Rounds / Forms inside round
1 vote 1 comment
Review / Preview Pictures in forms with Picture step on mobile devices.
1 vote 0 comments
GoPlant mobile app completed form printing
2 votes 0 comments
Form Step Text Validation based on matching predefined answers
1 vote 0 comments
Pausing Tasks in GoPlant
0 votes 1 comment
Add Step Notes to the print out from the dashboard
2 votes 0 comments
Expand Exception Widget Filters to display specific assets
0 votes 0 comments
Single Sign-On (SSO) User Authentication
3 votes 0 comments
GoPlant Include Deleted Rounds Setting Default Control
0 votes 0 comments
Ability to release multiple users at once.
4 votes 0 comments
Order active users by last active.
1 vote 0 comments
Make Tag Data Description editable
1 vote 0 comments
Highlight expired Tasks in Red on Task Management widget
1 vote 0 comments
Increase Document File Size Limit
2 votes 0 comments