speed data from iMx-1 sensor in trend plot
1 vote 0 comments
Notes and Event (Cases)Report in trend line
2 votes 2 comments
@Observer OPC UA gating possibility
3 votes 0 comments
External Read only DB for Observer
2 votes 0 comments
Need to be able to designate Order Analysis Shaft on IMx-1 points
3 votes 0 comments
Ex Tag or marker selectable for tags
2 votes 0 comments
Time Wave Band Cursor
1 vote 0 comments
Filter - Static data by date range
9 votes 3 comments
FFT Autoscale is often too loose
1 vote 0 comments
User customisable workspace
3 votes 1 comment
IMx-1 uneven/odd colelction interval
4 votes 0 comments
Linux support for OB
0 votes 0 comments
NTP Server
1 vote 0 comments
IMx-8/16 Modbus active password protection
4 votes 0 comments
IMx-1 reset automatic alarm levels for trend
2 votes 0 comments
Record of Firmware status for IMx8/IMx1 in Observer
6 votes 0 comments
Observer - notification of IMx-1 system unavailability
10 votes 0 comments
Bearing and gear fault frequencies available on the timewave
10 votes 1 comment