Task Scheduling with 24h mode
2 votes 1 comment
GoPlant Form Trigger Condition Based on Previous Form Answer
1 vote 0 comments
GoPlant mobile app auto logout / release session feature
4 votes 2 comments
Add alarms colors for vibration alarms on reports
1 vote 0 comments
API Endpoints to collect detailed data on GoPlant exceptions
1 vote 0 comments
Feature to move or copy forms / assets / rounds in GoPlant website
1 vote 0 comments
Have a Visibility Rule to be dependent on current date/time
3 votes 1 comment
Option on attach a Picture or Text note to a round
1 vote 2 comments
Option to allow multiple pictures on a single step
2 votes 0 comments
Option to display Page Title on reports
2 votes 0 comments
Write/mark in pictures in GoPlant
3 votes 0 comments
Form Excel Export and Import
6 votes 2 comments
Option to display Instruction Steps on reports
1 vote 0 comments
Alarms and Calculations for Date steps
1 vote 1 comment
Importing Visibility Defaults
1 vote 0 comments
Add API response 'FormStorageGroupID'
1 vote 1 comment
Name drafts in the GoPlant App
2 votes 1 comment
Indicate Value Status in GoPlant App
1 vote 2 comments
Mass Generation / Import External Tags
1 vote 0 comments
GoPlant - "If" Functions in a Calculation Step
2 votes 0 comments
"Revoking" tasks from GoPlant users while using mobile
3 votes 0 comments