

Calendar based gating to stop collection on an entire DB
1 vote 2 comments
Add API response 'FormStorageGroupID'
1 vote 1 comment
Name drafts in the GoPlant App
2 votes 1 comment
Indicate Value Status in GoPlant App
1 vote 2 comments
Mass Generation / Import External Tags
1 vote 0 comments
GoPlant - "If" Functions in a Calculation Step
2 votes 0 comments
"Revoking" tasks from GoPlant users while using mobile
3 votes 0 comments
Observer Rail enhancement
2 votes 0 comments
(Harmonic) Activity Index
7 votes 3 comments
Cepstrum calculation and display
6 votes 5 comments
system alarm when sensor loose connection
1 vote 0 comments
Easy Comparision of Diagnosis Rules accross Machines
6 votes 1 comment
Basic electrical analysis in Observer/IMx
4 votes 2 comments
Curve fitting and trend extrapolation
7 votes 2 comments
Y-axis scalable in multitrend
3 votes 1 comment
Cursor enhancement
6 votes 1 comment
Alarming of IMX-1 (permanent Alarm situation)
1 vote 1 comment
Workspace as Default View for Users
2 votes 0 comments
Master Template, Synchronice Machine Tempaltes
2 votes 0 comments
Possibility to recalculate single diagnosis rules
2 votes 1 comment
Auto Alarm functionallity, especially Diagnosis
1 vote 0 comments
Harmonics of fault frequencies on spectrum in @ptitude Observer
6 votes 5 comments
Bearing and Other Fault Frequencies on the Time Wave on @ptitude Observer
9 votes 2 comments
Multiple Screen use
7 votes 4 comments